
Showing posts from April 20, 2022

Northeast Tribals are slightly in increasing of population due to Incest and taboo

It's not an excuse however when compared to others like people in General across India and the people who belong to the identity of tribals who they perform and excercise their own culture and traditional. One of the most followed practice of, done by tribal people is in the marriage and several rule and moral law that ancestors inherite the ideas and thoughts of what it should known that it's a culture and have to practice it. Incest and taboo is the main concept in which society like Khasi tribe People adopt the system of Incest and taboo  up to day.  Incest and taboo is not a law which enforce from the administration but it's a morality that people naturally excercising and teaching children naturally. In the system married can't be done with the same Surname or title whether in married of the two. The same when the he or she's title is same to his or her partner father's title that's also consider to be incest and if its from the same clan also can't...

Lada ka Map Ka dei kaba shisha. Ka jingiakhih Kan dei noh kaba jur bha

Kumba ngi iohi bad iohsngew ba haduh katno ki briew na ki khappud ia ia umsnam ha kine ki 50 snem na ka jingshah kyntur bad ka jingialeh kumno ban da ban iada iala ka khyndew. Phewse ynda haba ka sorkar ba mynta ka la shim ia ka sienjam na ka bynta ban pynbeit pud pynban kam long kaba ioh jingkyrkhu ka long pynban kum ka jingtim ia ki paidbah khamtam ia kito kiba sah ha khappud. Khamtam ia kito ki shnong Khasi kiba la Shah kynthup noh sha Assam hamar ba la pynbeit pud bad ka jingduh ka jingiakhih ki paidbah ruh ka dang iai thnem namar ka jingbitar ki paidbah halor ka jing kynnoh ba leh shimet u Myntri Rangbah bad u Symbud myntri Rangbah.  Lada ngi peit ia ka Map ba la dro biria lane ngim tip ioh ka dei shisha ka map Jong ka jylla jongngi ka la kylla na ka por ba la ioh jylla lajong haduh ban da dap 50 snem syndon. Bad lada ka dei ka Map tangban birai ka dei ka jing phikir ia kaban da Jia hynrei lada ka dei kaba shisha ngin hao ban ia ieng tylli shynrang noh da kawei ka Sur bad ban ...

Cherrapunjee should not be called of Sohra anymore

Cherrapunjee is a name given by a Non-tribal over Tribal place which locally known as SOHRA and among all region and around the Ri Khasi Jaintia and a Meghalaya as a whole recognising the title as SOHRA. However at large extend or globally in collecting of data and some geograhical study the title is considered as Cherrapunjee which is a very concerned issue in relating the given name because those name are not relating to any mean in Khasi Language. Some bill board and notice board which has produce the word Cherrapunjee has been demand in removing  by several NGOs in the last few years and convince the authority concern to replace instead by SOHRA. Also when we discuss globally everyone known as Cherrapunjee instead of Genuine name of SOHRA. But this time through the article toward everyone would like to influence people by sharing as well as far as we can to share that we should impose the real name instead of letting the Non-tribal name over our land. Thou request to the people...