KHADC should impose less power to Kingship

Most of the land are under jurisdiction of Kingdom or Hima under the KHADC in which land are authorised by King itself over a large area. In Khasi there are several kingdoms where people recognised the highest authority over local dorbar shnong is Syiem (ruler)

However this type of system came to be known as a poor system over human nature were certain issues Syiem usually adopt decision by himself only thou the concern of the kingdom which may or effect the situation he himself took over a decision alone.

There are such no dorbar or the general assembly called in almost a 2 decade like kingdom almost done when or before taking a seriously matter toward the kingdom. And for several problem which create and invites complications now are the things done before.

In the democracy, govt really deserve much for maintaining peace and security of the state while today seems like Domacracy form of government have to fix all those scares done by Monarchy system in which seem to be change and impose less power to Syiem in order to create a proper livelihood in the state as a whole.

See the IEWDUH usually meant for Khasi tribes and a place where the Khasi only must doing a market collective from different part of the Ri Khasi and trading in this place. An exchange of good an exchange of Raw material or agricultural productivity as well as old traditional productivity which can brought into the market.

But now we only sees non-tribal in IEWDUH A Khasi Market where power of Syiem is still excercise but why he is allowing Non-tribal into the market. Several time KHADC duty in IEWDUH to seek the problem but however when ask those vendors or shopkeeper are being certified and NOC provided that he or she is allowing from the Syiem then there is no such objection and KHADC itself can't bother unless labour licence or trading license.

This is why we understand how Syiem excercising power but why not interfere like Them Iew mawlong or the Colony of Harijan where Municipal borrowed from Hima. With all these we came to know that Syiem also involve in an illegal activity like corruption until he is not capable to interfere in every issues relating to the Ri Khasi.

Again when we examine the area in South Khasi like Ichamati, Majai, Kalatek, Dalia, Shella, etc We found that thousand of Non-tribal working there and settle without restriction from the Syiem or Hima even they got also the authorised to participate in voting Election in the State Assembly. That means for them are recognise as the permanent settler or the citizens which they do not need to apply license or labour licence from KHADC.

In this case we must raise our voice that KHADC must impose immidiate less power to Kingship which Khasi language called Syiem and KHADC itself at that time must excercise power to any land who belong under the territory of the Council over to interfere and remove all those illigal immigrants as well as Non-tribal labour. 

Lastly the solving of dispute in border issue among the two state of Assam and Meghalaya are brought disadvantages to the people where many land are excluded from the state and include more to Assam. This is not an issue where have to point out to government but those Syiem of particular area also play a very good role by involve in the issue.


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