KHADC MDC election 2025 Prediction
The KHADC Election that will cast on 21 Feb 2025 and count on 24 is significantly shown some prediction remark after some research on ground for all political parties as well as candidates as per the data based on overall observation.
KHADC Election is quite complicate after new political party like Voice of the People Party is created big margin in Lok Sabha Result in 2024.
However that margin cannot divert to the same party actually it's a different election and a different point of time. Also people confuse and some confidential about Voice of the People Party to come into an Absolute number to form the Executive Committee in the council.
The MDC election in KHADC will be 29 seat and 1 nominated. And here some of the data which can be considered to 80% of chance as per the prediction and it will not be said as the genuine. If fails the this article also should not be considered into that point of view.
However this is just the prediction collect genuinely from the ground and Rallies along with the commitments that parties offer and announced during the period of time.
Here are some Datas.
Total Number - 29
National People Party= 2-4
United Democratic Party = 4-6
Voice of the People Party = 13-15
Indian National Congress= 8-10
Bharatiya Janata party= 0
KHNAM = 0-1
Independent= 0-1
Executive Committee= INC+VPP
Opposition Party = NPP+IND+UDP
Executive Committee=INC+UDP+NPP+IND
Opposite= VPP
There is no responsibility on such consideration but this is just the recent prediction till date accordingly.
The data cannot be said till the counting but there will be a slight change before the date of casting.
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